
What's your reason for wanting to lose weight?

If you want to lose weight for health reasons, it may be because your doctor has warned you of the dangers of being overweight or possibly you already have health problems, which are being aggravated by the extra weight you've been carrying.

It could be you want to look better or fit into your favourite clothes once more. If so, you are probably not feeling too good about yourself at present either, as being unable to control your weight may have been affecting your confidence and self esteem. This in itself can lead to a person eating more if they are comfortable eating, making this a familiar vicious circle

Whatever your reasons for wanting to lose weight, it's important to understand that it's probably not your fault as there can be a number of reasons for the problem. The good news is that once identified, my approach could make them easy to deal with.

So if you've tried more diets than you care to mention and have still put back on the weight or are struggling to keep it off, there's a good chance that one or more of the following factors is involved:

1) The Dehydration Factor

Very few people drink enough water these days. Those discouraging fluctuations in weight could simply be due to water retention. You see the problem is that when you don't drink enough your body holds on to the water in your body in order to dilute the toxins which build up in your system. When you drink plenty of water the toxins are regularly flushed from your system and hey presto, no water retention.

2) The Stress Factor

This is a subject that could take up a whole website but stress often plays a HUGE role in weight problems. That's why I devote part of my sessions to showing you not only how stress affects the way you've been thinking about food but how to take control of those thoughts and the stress in your life.

3) Psychological factors

Whilst not everyone has a problem in this category. The most common psychological issues that can lead to weight gain problems are Comfort Eating, Distorted Mind Set (from repeated dieting), Habit. If present and not dealt with, any one of these can sabotage your efforts to lose weight. That's why it's important to help you identify and address such issues when present.

4) The Role of Blood sugar level

This can be affected by numerous factors, not just by what you eat. At the beginning of your session, I explain why this area is so important if you want to stop feeling like you are uselessly fighting yourself when it comes to controlling your food intake.

It's important to understand the role of each of the above factors in weight gain and weight loss so that losing weight and then maintaining that weight loss doesn't feel like a constant battle. So if you want to feel good about losing weight or simply want to know more about how I can help you, why not call: 07776 304063 for a free phone consultation. You have nothing to lose but your weight.